
Friday, January 05, 2007

KISS FM's Night Of Healing concert

The Clark Sisters were said to be in rare form at KISS FM's Night Of Healing concert
Here are pics and EVEN MORE can be found at http://www.987kissfm.com/gallery/noh06.aspx

Clothes, Dorinda Would Love

We all know Lady Dorinda Clark Cole love ha sum roses! Er time you see her she's ministering with one, making clothes out of one, or beating someone with one with thorns, where ever you see Dorinda, you know a rose is somewhere near,
Well I was looking at some interesting and beautiful clothes made by designers : MARCHESA

Can u see Dorinda is this hea- I can, but of course Eld. Cole might "encourage" her to put some sleeves of some of them lol

Karen Sings at The Congressional Black Caucus Leadership Swearing-in Ceremony

Karen was the guest performer singing "The Heavens are Telling" at the Congressional Black Caucus Leadership Swearing-in Ceremony. Notice the crowd from beginning to end! When you got the annointing!...

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Throw Back Thursday: Twinkie

The votes have it! :)

thanks coolkeithkth

An official Clark Lounge video will be up soon.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Now I see

Now I see how Shirley was Dorinda's inspiration, even back then!
My goodness, if Gospel can only go back to this and kinda leave the big production numbers alone for just a moment

and please- consider the caravans as a whole group- LORD!! THIS IS SOULFUL SINGING!!!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

From The Desk of The Clark Sisters Fan Club

Happy New Year Everyone,
We are excited about the many things that are in store for The Clark Sisters in 2007 and we want you to be a part of them. Since 2000, Sincerely: The Official Clark Sisters Fan Club and www.theclarksisters.com have been in the ministry of promoting the ministry of The Clark Sisters. These endeavors were created with their many fans, followers and supporters in mind. We are looking to do bigger and better things this year and we can only do them with your support.
Join Sincerely: The Official Clark Sisters Fan Club and receive our brand new t-shirt (image will be posted on www.theclarksisters.com very soon), 8 x 11 color photo, exclusive quarterly newsletters, calendar magnet, promotional items and more.

Send a $30 check or money order to our new address at:
P.O. Box 31-2415
Detroit, MI 48226

or for your convenience, you can join through www.paypal.com. Simply send your payment to clarkfanclub@hotmail.com (visit the store link below). If you are not interested in joining the fan club and just want to show your support, you can send a donation to the same addresses.

Here are just a few of the things to look for from The Clark Sisters in 2007:

~Tribute at the Stellar Awards on Jan. 13
~Dorinda Clark Cole on the Sisters In The Spirit Tour (w/ Shirley Caesar, Kelly Price, Nicole C. Mullen and more). Visit http://www.alwe.com/sisters07-dates.html for the tour schedule
~Tribute at Gospel Heritage Foundation on Washington, DC on Marc. 3
~The Clark Sisters long awaited cd...Spring 2007
~A dvd release from the Clark Sisters
~A live recording from Dorinda Clark Cole
~A guest appearance on the upcoming Aretha Franklin cd

Stay tuned for more details on all of these events.
Wishing you a blessed and prosperous year and thanking you all for your continued support.

Jeffrey G. Cross
Sincerely, The OFFICIAL Clark Sisters Fan Club

Join Sincerely: The Official Clark Sisters Fan Club or visit the Fan Club Store: http://www.theclarksisters.com/store/ . Also visit The Clark Sisters at http://www.myspace.com/officiallytheclarksisters

Greater Emmanuel's Watch Night....Mini Recap

As one of the ministers announced that we were about to hear from the fragrance of the house. Our very own, First Lady....Karen Clark Sheard, people immediately got excited. Then he made an announcement saying that there couldnt be any photos taken, no video recording or audio recording. As soon as he said that, Pastor Sheard looked at Karen and said "They can take pictures. This is church....they can take pictures. Gon head and take some pictures". ROTFL. So as she walked up and gave honor to God, the Pastor and other's, she asked did anyone believe that they were a living testimony. And as soon as she said that, the music for "Living Testimony" began. She did a magnificent job on that song. Even changed the ending of the song up a little bit saying "A Miracle....A Miracle..." and has us {The Choir} to help back her up and say whatever she directed us to say.

The next artist that was to minister was our very own Dorinda Clark Cole. Dorinda walked over to the podium and asked everyone "How many of ya'll know that the rest of your life, is going to be the best days of your life?" And then the music started for "For The Rest Of My Life". As she sung the song, it was almost as if you could feel her annointing through her voice...I found that truly amazing. I also found amazing the fact that every time she sings that song, she can never let it go.

Then there was Kierra "KiKi" Sheard. As she began to talk to the audience about how we knew that we had done some things in the past that was disappointing to our father, making the same mistakes over and over...but how many of us know that he has never left us. And as the music for "No Never" began everyone stood to their feet. During the sung, Kierra couldnt even take it no more. She said that she had to take her shoes off and give her God some praise, and as soon as she took off her shoes she started going all over the pulpit...bouncing head and all.

Next we had Dorinda Clark Cole come back to the podium to minister to us in another song. And as the choir stood to help her with the background to the song, the music began. And as soon as "So Many Times" began, everyone began to rock, clap & sing along. What made this performance amazing to me is when Dorinda had us dancing with her. Had us turning around in the choir stand...moving and grooving.

Last but of COURSE not least, the minister announced that they were saving the best for last and once again he announced Karen Clark Sheard. As she came to the podium once again, cameras begin flashing every where.....LOL. As she took the microphone, she asked for all of the young people to come down. And so many people ran down the aisles...Me...I hurried up and came from the pulpit, along with others. And as 2 dancers approached the stage to dance to the song, the music for "Higher" came on {A song on her upcoming album...song was written by J. Drew}. Everyone begin rocking, grooving & TRYING to sing the few words to the song that they knew. What made this performance awesome was her dancing along with her dancers towards the end. She even did the dance that they do in Yung Joc's video "It's Goin Down" and that was funny to me. But all in all....each performance was a moment to remember.

thanks AngelofGospels1Fan

The Clark Marathon Opening Date Pushed Back

Just like a Clark cd or DVD the Marathon's reopening has been pushed back to January 13th. We're adding New Music still!

Whew it was only a dream!!

So This morning I woke up feeling kind of bad, like, oh my Lord!! What did I do!
Well, let me go back a little bit.
I had a dream that we were going to have a big event at my church, and I told everyone that I invited Twinkie, and from there, if she enjoyed the service, we could get her back for our concert.
Well the dream went on and Twink comes in the room, in this nice yellow suite, turned up hair and these diamond glasses! She looked nice!

So, I kind of let her have her space and kind of look around, and finally, I went up to her, along with some other youth leaders at my church, and we walk up, and she's smiling, that wide pretty smile lol And I'm like "Praise The Lord Sis. Twinkie, my name is Bro. LaMarr and its so good to see you here!"
"Thank You, its good to be here"
"You look nice!"
"Thank You" By this little bit of time, Twinkie started going like towards the door, while talking, but she moved pretty slowly so that she can talk to us.
There was a lot of people going in and out of the church- which was huge- so finally we kind of got to the door, and I said
"Twinkie, I can't wait to put this on my board"
Still smiling, Twinkie said " What board is this"
"The Clark Lounge, you know,the lounge. I'm the administrator there. I created it, for you all, along with the marathon and blog"
Twinkie stopped and like mist from a water hose her smile kind of smeared of and a look of anxiety and some confusion came over her face lolol
"So you that LaMarr?"
Happily and proudly I said "YES"
She kind of stopped walking and said
"You know what, I think I'm going to come back later, or maybe another time"
"Huh? Why? whats the matter"
Twinkie put back on a smile right before she gave one of these looks

The youth leaders who were there were like "Is there anything you needed? Can we help?"
"No, I'm okay. I'll be back some other time," She said good bye to the every accept for me lolol .
She then kind of disappeared in the crowd and left through the double doors to a car that awaited her and she left.
My friends were looking like "Its you and that ole board! She hates it!! Why did you create it!! You ruined our chances to have her minister here."
"I'm sorry, I didn't know she didn't like it...Don't worry I'll try my best to get her back"
They were walking away while I was talking and I kept on saying it.
Then I woke up!! whew But-lolol when I woke up I was like "I have to call some one to tell her I'm sorry!" then I thought, whew, it was only a dream lol


Monday, January 01, 2007

The Clark Song Of The Week

Watch out around 2:16 on the player- Twinkie shows out on that thea organ!!

Well Happy New Year To You All

Look at GOD!!
We've made it another year. I think we can all say that 2006 had its challenges, for some of us, those challenges were tougher and for some they weren't.
In 2006 we also were blessed greatly! And the best is yet to come. I'm no prophet or nothing like that lolol, neither have I been overloading on Donald Lawrence Cd's- but I just feel that 2007 is gonna really be remarkable. Some of those issue and pasts issues and walls that represents struggles, and hurdles will come down.

Now my mind set will be "Now that you have delivered me, and have shown favor, how can I give back to you. Now that I've got the spiritual deliverance, who do I help? Now that I got the new job with better pay, what ministry do I financially sow into? Now that I got the car, who do I pick up for church?
Now that I've gotten over my past pain and have accepted a new peaceful spirit into my life, how do I react now?
In the words of my Asst. Pastor: Gentry Richardson Jr.:
"On Purpose for His Purpose"

Went through so much in 2006 and even b4 then- and it wasn't so much because I did wrong, or because I did right, but because the ultimate goal is God's glory. I am what I am, for God's glory. I went through what I went through, for God's glory. Not for the money, not for the car, not for the applause, not for the adoration from others, but for HIS Glory.
I'm a trophy on his mantle, showing to all that I am PROOF, he won yet another battle!!!........whew- Like Dorinda say "I gotta get happy off ma own stuff"

Any ways, I didn't mean to say that much, I'm just happy to be back here.

(In Karen's Voice) "Of course I have tha ssay" that 2007 will be a better one for not only the blog but for the message board, and the marathon.

Be Blessed